Before I Die...

Before I Die is a global art project that invites people to reflect on death and consider the things that matter most.

Originally created by Candy Chang in New Orleans after the death of a loved one, there are now over 5,000 walls around the world.

This is our virtual version of this project.

Share your response(s) and we will add it to the wall:

Before I die I want to

make sure my mom knows how much I love her.

Before I die I want to

   find inner peace. 

Before I die I want to

 learn how to drive a towing trailer.

Before I die I want to

  have a child.  

Before I die I want to

 see my daughter’s 80th birthday.   

Before I die I want to

   not die. 

Before I die I want to

 be a yoga instructor.

Before I die I want to

be at peace with the way I live my life.

Before I die I want to

be able to do a box jump onto the back of a truck.

Before I die I want to

   foster dogs.  

Before I die I want to

forgive and lift MY weights.

Before I die I want to

watch a World Cup game live. 

Before I die I want to

go skinny dipping in the Mediterranean Sea!

Before I die I want to

watch my kids grow up and have their own babies.

Before I die I want to

 fall in love with life.

Before I die I want to

quiet my inner Hustler and slow down.

Before I die I want to

  be a mother and the best auntie, have a positive impact on future generations.

Before I die I want to

know that my child will be healthy, safe + happy.

Before I die I want to

 fall in love.

Before I die I want to

 write a book . 

Before I die I want to

 love myself. 

Before I die I want to

 find someone who loves to help others more than their self. 

Before I die I want to

 be a father and have my partner know how much I love them. 

Before I die I want to

write a book for my mom and/or my parents. 

Before I die I want to

 help raise collective consciousness.

Before I die I want to

live life on my own terms, without worrying about others’ opinions and expectations

Before I die I want to

knowing I lived to the fullest and did what lights me up, regardless of my fears

Before I die I want to


Before I die I want to


Before I die I want to


Share your response(s) and we will add it to the wall:

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